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Productora Audiovisual

Audiovisual Production Techniques


There are different methods or ways for a filmmaker to build an audiovisual piece or narrative. These vary depending on the person, the country, producer or company.

There are two ways to record a video production

Production with a camera. In which a single camera is used to record an entire segment or show. This is the traditional way in which film is shot.

Multi-chamber production. In which a master or vision mixer, links two, three or more cameras. Alternating different planes and angles as required by the director. This is the traditional way in which it is recorded for television or live broadcasts such as concerts and sporting events.

For a live production the result to a camera would lack dynamism, on the other hand in a recorded production the use of a camera allows the director to use different editing techniques in post production to manipulate the universe of his narrative as is convenient to achieve the expected result.

Here are some tips for a simple camera shoot to achieve professionally expected results without any setbacks.

1. Review the details of the next shot

2. When switching between scenes look at the continuity, both in lighting, art, appearance of the actor, objects on set. The idea is to compose a scene from different perspectives that seem to happen at the same time

3. Synchronize movements.

4. Mark the clapperboard the number of the scene and take it.

5. Silence on set

6. Start recording before calling action

7. Point to start.

8. To announce the end of the action the signal for everyone is. Cut!

9. Verify Recording

This method offers the director infinite creative possibilities both on set and when editing, directors can review the material they recorded, select and rearrange at their convenience. Shooting to a single camera allows the director to focus on doing one thing at a time and optimizing each individual shot.

The director is free to readjust each position of the camera, rearrange the subject, change the lighting, adjust the sound recording, modify the decoration and make any other modifications that will be necessary to adapt to each shot. All production refinements and additional features, from background music to video effects, are added at a later stage, during the post-production session.

One of the disadvantages of shooting with a simple camera is that you collect a lot of good and bad shots that must be organized later. Therefore the final compilation with music and titles can be a time consuming process.

On the other hand, a multi-camera production facilitates the change of shots in real time in which various actions take place on the set. Unlike the director in a single-camera shoot, who is close to the camera, the director of a multi-camera production is away from the action.

This director observes a series of television monitors in a production control room and issues instructions to the crew through his intercom (talkback) headsets and to the ruler who guides the actors on behalf of the director.

In multicamera usually cuts and transitions, curtains, banners, titles etc. they are made through a master, or vision mixer. All while the action is taking place. With this method there is no opportunity to correct or improve, however the director has the opportunity to preview all the takes before uploading them to the broadcast.

Continuity issues that can easily develop during single-camera production disappear during multi-camera production because it is in real time.

An experienced multi-camera crew can, after a single rehearsal, produce a polished show in just a few hours. At the end of the recording period, the show is finished.

Multi-camera recording can be done as follows

1. Live. Broadcast live to the audience.

2. Live on tape. Recorded from start to finish. This style of production allows the director to clean it up in post-production.

3. Scene by scene. Each scene or act is filmed, corrected and polished one at a time.

4. Take by take. Recorded in short action sequences, with multi-camera switching to avoid interrupting (or repeating) the action.

A multi-camera production can degenerate into a shot-capture routine in which the director simply cuts between multiple camera views seeking variety.

Written by: Juan Diego Rosas Rodríguez @diego_darko



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